Enhancing automotive exhibitions with people counting solutions

Enhancing automotive exhibitions with people counting solutions

Automotive exhibitions serve as a platform for car companies to showcase their latest models and engage with potential customers. However, organizing an effective booth layout, optimizing visitor experience, and ensuring safety can be challenging. In this blog post, we will delve into the benefits of implementing a people counting solution for automotive exhibition booths and…

Unveiling the power of heatmap statistics: insights for store owners

Unveiling the power of heatmap statistics: insights for store owners

Passenger flow statistics in retail stores encompass more than just counting the number of people entering the store. It provides a wealth of data, including the number of people who entered the store at different times, storefront passersby, the length of time customers stayed in the store, and even customer attributes. While it’s true that…

Guarding and witnessing: OP aspires to assist independent bookstores through technology

Guarding and witnessing: OP aspires to assist independent bookstores through technology

In an old street nestled in Suzhou, a charming bookstore cafe thrives. Born in Suzhou, it has now expanded its presence across China. Transitioning from a single store to dozens, or even hundreds, while maintaining a consistent brand image is no easy feat. How does one effectively manage each store and convey the essence of…