Skechers applies OP Retail’s solution to improve customer experience

It’s the era of people-centered consumption, the internet brings customers closer to the commodities they want and also makes the operation of physical retail stores challenging. The dominant role of the market has changed from commodities themselves to consumers, namely passenger flow. How can the retail industry survive and maintain positive growth in this fast-changing market?

Mr. Zhou, CEO of OP Retail, shared some of his insights at the summit of the Chinese Footwear Industry 2021.” In this era of consumption economy, the foresight and version of the market are more important than ever. Enterprises that depend on brick-and-mortar should make instant and accurate responses to less noticeable market changes in a short period. Empiricism is no longer feasible, and more attention should be paid to enabling technologies. We can see many footwear retailers have already begun to use technologies to dig deep the secret behind the customer flow data.”

Facing fierce competition in the global footwear market, Skechers has recently partnered with OP Retail to apply the people counting system for its stores in Nigeria. Skechers urgently seeks new technologies to quickly grasp the ever-changing market rules, consumption trends, and passenger flow.

The current solution OP Retail has deployed in Skechers stores includes:

  1. The AI-powered people counter (PC8) provides profound customer traffic analysis by collecting incoming customer flow with 98% accuracy and filtering out invalid counts such as store staff counts.
  2. Head-to-shoulder detection to identify age group and gender with deep learning AI algorithms. Providing high reliable user persona data which can be used for customer analysis in different regions.

“OP Retail’s solution is very helpful for our store in terms of efficiency and accuracy. The thorough customer flow reporting let us optimize our daily operation from multiple dimensions instantly.” Said the manager of Skechers store in Festival mall, Lagos, Nigeria.

OP Retail overseas director added that the solution can also monitor the occupancy level and warn the store owner in time as the global pandemic is still quite severe, providing technical assistance for the safer operation of chain stores in various industries.

About OP Retail

OP Retail (Suzhou) Technology Co., Ltd, headquartered in Suzhou, China, offers quality products mainly for retail stores, providing technical solutions for visitor analysis, customer behavior insights, store operation analysis, and more. OP Retail’s solutions are based on the principles of usability, high security, and flexible scalability. For more information, please visit our website or send us inquiries for details.

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